Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Can someone lock-out Gary Bettman?

Really. Did you hear this one? That Gary ‘I hate hockey’ Bettman suggested to players association chief poobah Donald Fehr that the two sides take two weeks off from negotiations? Of course, why not? What a brilliant idea. It’s been so grueling, Bettman and Fehr really need a couple of weeks of R&R in Aruba after something like nine days total of negotiating up until now. Like WTF (Where’s the Food)! If you until now didn’t buy into the notion that Bettman is all about the lockout, surely this is the bit of proof you were missing. The condescending lawyer from the famed lock-out law firm loves this union-bashing stuff and much prefers to see dark empty rinks than arenas full of fans watching the best hockey players in the world. Some may have issues with the way agent Allan Walsh says it loud and clear but I think it becomes harder to argue with his point every day – Bettman and those anonymous hardline owners want to crush the players association. It’s as simple as that. These aren’t negotiations. I mean for heaven’s sake, who takes two weeks off at such a crucial moment, when the entire fate of the season is at stake? Just how angry are the players? Did you see the comments from Ian White of the Detroit Red Wings? “I personally think he’s an idiot,” said White. He went on to say that “It’s something that could have been done even in the summer. So it’s frustrating. There’s just absolutely no need to be missing games and doing this kind of damage.” Bettman’s tactic is to terrify the players into believing the season’s gonna be toast unless they cave. La Presse scribe Richard Labee just had an interesting tweet, asking the following question – ‘If the negotiations re-start Monday, does that mean the owners are putting pressure on Bettman? Great question. I have to believe the more rational club owners are upping the pressure on the small cabal of hardliners led by Bettman and, if they’re not, they’re the real idiots in this. Because this lock-out is NOT in the interests of a whole bunch of teams, starting with the Montreal Canadiens and Toronto Maple Leafs. Now news just in that talks might well resume Monday. This to me looks like further evidence that those moderate owners – hello Geoff Molson! – are indeed exerting pressure on Bettman. Imagine! A day ago, Bettman says let’s take a two-week break and then 24 hours later, they announce talks set to resume. Sounds like the commish may just be losing control of the process. Actually here’s an idea. Maybe it is time for a two-week break – but just for Bettman. He can lounge on the beach in Aruba and let someone take-over for the League who actually wants to make a deal.

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