Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Gary Bettman should never touch the Stanley Cup ever again

With the news that the NHL lockout had come to a close, there was wide spread relief amongst hockey fans that the game they loved was coming back and that the pursuit of the Stanley Cup could continue on as normal. However, with that relief, came anger. A lot of anger. Anger mixed with frustration tinged with a bit of fist shaking. As we all know, the NHL and NHLPA have done damage to the game of hockey. We also know that if this follows the script of the last lockout, the fans will be back, and ratings and money will be better than ever. The NHL is most likely banking on this.
This leaves fans with an interesting conundrum. They love watching their local team play in the NHL, however they dislike the way that they were treated during this lockout. Swept aside like that strawberry jam donut at an office meeting that nobody wants to tangle with for fear of stains, the fans of NHL hockey have been rendered voiceless throughout this entire process. Initially the NHL and NHLPA pretended to care, as they would release statements claiming how they felt bad for the fans and how they wanted to get back on the ice as soon as possible, but as the lockout wore on, they wouldn’t even hand those out anymore. One got the feeling that if Gary Bettman was asked a question about the impact on the fans, he would bobble his head and repeatedly say “What? I didn’t hear you. What was that? Sorry, I’m losing you, I’m going into a tunnel” before scurrying away into the closest limo he could find.
This leaves the NHL and NHLPA with two ways to try and “make it up” to the fans across the world. They can attempt to make it up financially or they can try and make it up emotionally. If you’re a fan of money, and you often think “gee, it would be pretty swell to have more of that thing called money!”, I wouldn’t get your hopes up. The NHL, as we’ve all painfully learned, is a business, and businesses don’t like giving away money. Sure, you might get an extra 10% off a jersey here or there, or you might get a free pin on opening night to commemorate what an awesome fan you are (unless you live in Anaheim. I’m pretty sure Anaheim regularly gives out free houses and cars to get fans to come to their games. Such is the pain of living in a Canadian market, we don’t get as many perks thrown our way), but in the end, you’ll probably never get a sizable enough financial payment to truly feel that the NHL and NHLPA are sorry for not solving their problems sooner.
This leaves the emotional repayment route, which to be honest, is a far stronger route to take, and one that would probably go a long way to help the healing process for the fans. Money is one thing, but the NHL actually showing it listens to the fans and is trying to make a gesture that indicates this? That would help tremendously. The best emotional repayment route should be obvious. We’ve lost the Winter Classic due to the Lockout, so what the NHL should do is create the “Fire Bettman Classic”. What this entails is every year, Gary Bettman is brought out in shackles to a rink, while fans throw tomatoes and Hugh Jessiman rookie cards at him until he breaks down in tears. Then, once in the middle of the rink, a ceremonial host is brought out in front of Bettman (ie a former player like Linden or Gilmour, a hero from the city in question) and he fires Bettman much to the joy of the fans in attendance and watching on TV. Every year this process will be repeated.
 Gary Bettman should never touch the Stanley Cup ever again
(Gary Bettman, looking like a young lost muppet from the mind of Jim Henson. Who knew years later people would boo this man on sight.)
Now, that scenario? It’s quite ridiculous and it will never happen. Sadly, that is probably one of the less violent scenarios being thought up by fans everywhere, as it just goes to show that people  just plain don’t like Gary Bettman. And why should they? The NHL owners have played this perfectly, hiding behind their evil minion Bettman, letting him reap the boos and hatred, while they sat back and ruined CBA’s they drafted, all the while claiming innocence. On one hand, you can almost feel sorry for Gary, as he basically had his owners agree to a new CBA in 2005, and seconds later they spent every waking moment of their lives doing their best to circumvent, abuse, and ruin said agreement, then turned around and told Gary that the CBA was terrible and that he needed to fix it again. It is the equivalent of working in IT and fixing someone’s computer, only to find out that five minutes later they put Kraft single slices of cheese in their DVD drive, and now they’re wondering why it’s broken again.
Regardless of the pity one might feel for Bettman, though, the point remains that it is his role to be the central figure of authority from the NHL, which means he has to deal with the burden that comes with it. Now, I don’t want to suggest Gary Bettman enjoys playing the role of the NHL’s top villain, but Gary Bettman seems to enjoy playing the role of the NHL’s top villain. He doesn’t give interviews so much as he talks down to people, and he always seems quick to have an arrogant tone on hand lest anyone question his decision making. Again, he does a very good job in getting what the owners want, but from a PR perspective, he is a terrible conduit for the NHL to talk to the fans. Can you think of any other personality in hockey that could garner less sympathy than Gary Bettman? He could fall off his bike and hurt his leg, and most fans would wonder if the bike was ok.
Nothing is more proof of all of this than when Gary Bettman hands out the Stanley Cup. Without fail, he will hear boos when he comes out to the ice, most of the time drowning out the speech he has prepared for the occasion. The loudest boos I have ever heard were during the 2011 Finals, when Bettman awarded the Cup to the Bruins. The building shook with boos, and I am not using a metaphor, you could feel the vibrations from all of the lusty boos being tossed Gary’s way.
Which leads me to my point. Gary Bettman should stop handing out the Stanley Cup. Is it a small thing? You bet it is, but it’s an emotional payment that tells the fans “We get it, you hate the sight of Bettman’s face, and it really ruins the moment when he awards the Stanley Cup.”  At it’s core, hockey is based on pure emotion and fans love it because of this. Most sports are driven by passion, and the amount of effort that is put into making the NHL is a testament to this. It’s hard to survive long in the NHL if you don’t have a passion for the game. Bettman represents the cold business side of the NHL. He is everything hockey passion is not, so it becomes very hard to embrace having Gary Bettman on hand for what is one of hockey’s most treasured emotional moments. It’s like if you were trying to get to second base at your high school prom, and the school principal was leering over your shoulder, trying to give you a high five.
 Gary Bettman should never touch the Stanley Cup ever again
(This is the world’s worst picture of all time for Vancouver fans. Bettman couldn’t look happier as he swallows the sorrow of thousands of Canucks fans)
Besides, Gary Bettman doesn’t need to have anything to do with handing out the Stanley Cup. The NHL will lose nothing if Bettman isn’t on hand to see a team celebrate their victory. The only reason he is there is to get some TV time and to put his stamp on things. If Bettman were to go “ok, fine, I am going to put the game ahead of my own personal wants”, even for something as small as this, I think it would help a lot of fans try and move on a little bit. Let’s face it, Bettman probably isn’t going anywhere, so barring the “Fire Bettman Classic” from taking place, this would be a nice gesture. Have a retired hockey player hand out the Stanley Cup, have a former player who has won the Cup hand it out, heck, have Brendan Shanahan hand out the Cup if you want to keep it in house, but just keep Gary away from Lord Stanley’s Cup.
Gary Bettman will never be fired for the good of the fan support, because he is simply too good at what he does for the owners. Fans have to try and settle their differences in small ways, whether it be refusing to buy a jersey this year, not going to any games, or re-naming anybody they know named Gary into Larry. By removing Gary Bettman from the Stanley Cup celebration, at least it would be a small olive branch to the fans that someone, somewhere in the NHL, is able to admit, “oh hey, that Gary guy? Kind of annoying.”  Again, something tells me Gary’s ego would never allow this to happen, but it’s nice to dream, isn’t it? Dreaming is what keeps me going as a Canucks fan, so at least I’m used to it, I suppose.

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